Title music for the CBBC series presented by Jake Humphrey, Ortis Deley, Lizzie Greenwood and Ed Petrie.
Title music for the popular Saturday morning Children's TV Show.
Music for the BBC School Radio adaptation of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Producer: Andrew Barnes
Music for the children's book George, The Dragon & The Princess by Chris Wormell.
Title music for the BBC 7 adaptation of Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett.
Music for the popular Youtube channel BBC Teach.
Music for the popular Children's Youtube channel Rainbow Rabbit Songs.
Over 6 million views on YouTube.
Music for the popular Children's Youtube channel Rainbow Rabbit Songs.
Music for the popular Youtube channel BBC Teach.
Vocal: Cat Sandion (CBBC Presenter)
Music for the popular Children's Youtube channel Rainbow Rabbit Songs.
Title music for the series Farmer Dan & His Big Brother Stan.